Tuesday, April 27, 2004

went for me taekwondo lesson today! (hiiiyah!!!) i'm the oldest student there i'm guessing, but thats ok, i look sec 2 so i blend right in. only when im with the other white belters, little kids up to my waist at the most, do i stick out real bad. but once i get my gi i should fit right in.

met 2 nice little kids today, cai li and pearl. cai li i met at the first lesson, she was my "sparring" partner. (we just stood around cos i didnt even know how to kick her....) sec one kids! but they were the only ones to talk to me. during the break they invited me to sit with them and chattered away. they asked me "what was your aggregate?" and it took me a full 5 seconds to realise they were talking about PSLE aggregate. gads.... that was a LONG time ago...

come to think of it, ive gone through every major standardised exam that most singaporeans have to. its over!!!! (yeah... i am THAT slow, its only 5 months since i last sat for anything) goodbye oppresive, repressive MOE! your hold over me is shattered forever!

on a less victorious note

i am the quintessential wallflower. even in a bunch of kids, i naturally find myself gravitating to the wall, unable to make small talk, uncertain of my standing in the hierachy of things. how embarassing to realise. i have a strong propensity for walls it would seem. even when i sleep i like to curl up facing the wall. man, im weird.

perhaps the schools i've attended have managed to crush my soul and destroy my self confidence and identity (in the name of conformity and pursuit of excellence) all too well.

well, someones gotta take the blame.


At 5:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks to Dr okudu for bringing back my husband today I am very have to share this testimony to every one who is

heart brake looking for some one to help him or her kindly contact Dr okudu temple today he is the best spell

caster that I have ever see in my life the man really show me the hope and happiness that I need in my life he also

help me cast a healing spell on my mother who have been sick because of my love problem she was having a heart

problem in that case she fall into stroke she was sick for good one years ooh my heart is so happy today for the

help Dr okudu brought to my life I and my family is happy today and me and my lover is planning to get more

children and he promise not to make me sad anymore that he is going to show me love more than ever before ones

again thanks Doc you are my father and everything in this life without you what will I have done you are the best

of all I hope you find this testimony online and I will make you happy and bring more client to your temple who

need you help I hope you help them too with you spell prayer and I will also give them your email address

(okudutemple@gmail.com)Thanks to your gods I will call you when I am back from work okay Doctor is me your lovely

Child nathasia from london,uk


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